
Fat Freezing (Cryolypolysis) – What is it and is it for you?
I see so many people come into my clinic really frustrated with stubborn fat they can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard they try. They exercise, follow a healthy diet, and drink lots of water and yet there are areas of their body where the fat just won’t shift. This is very

Why are chemical peels an essential component of achieving our best skin?
Thankfully long gone are the days when a facial was seen as a once in a blue moon treat or something we did for a special occasion like a wedding. And luckily, most people now recognise that a “fluffy facial”, as I like to call them, won’t change the skin. Don’t get me wrong, for

The Ultimate Guide to Medical Grade / Cosmeceutical Skin Care
Medical grade/cosmeceutical are probably terms you have come across, especially on social media recently. And whilst they are branding terms, there is most definitely a distinct difference between them and over the counter/online skin products. And hopefully by the end of this article my aim is that you understand a little more about why they

Winter Skin Care Guide
Winter can play havoc with our skin. I know mine has become much more sensitive to the usual active ingredients I use. I have had to go back to a simple and basic routine for a week or so quite a few times over the last few months. This is due to many factors including